The Unit implements the international, European and interregional strategy of and coordinates actions at different territorial scales: Metropolitan, Belgium, Europe, World

Why an international, Europe and inter-regional Unit?

Due to the strong international dimension of Brussels, the growing global urban challenges and the official missions of representing the Region internationally, has set up an international, Europe and inter-regional Unit.

This interdisciplinary Unit implements this strategy of in these matters.  By working with all of’ departments, this Unit launches projects with various cities and regions. It coordinates the representation of in different networks and cooperates with other regional, Belgian, European and inter-regional bodies.

Activities of the Unit International, Europe, Inter-regional

The Unit:

  • participates in the representation and defence of regional interests at international level;
  • develops concrete projects, with partners outside the Region;
  • exchanges experiences to make' actions more effective;
  • promotes' projects and achievements outside the Region.

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