The "mission statement" sets out Perspective's raison d’être. It is defined as followed:

At the service of the development of the Brussels Region, Perspective produces the expertise necessary for the Region to understand itself, project itself and develop sustainably, with the aim of:
prompting reflection and public debate; 
meeting the needs and improving the quality of life of the people of Brussels and users of the Region

It is split up into 7 basic missions:

Mission 1 

Collect, develop, process and produce territorial and socio-economic data.

To improve knowledge of the socio-economic and territorial realities of Brussels, Perspective collects and processes data to glean the information contained therein. In the first instance, it identifies the needs and lists the resources in various fields. Data are then collected: statistical data produced from administrative sources, territorial data collected through an organised urban watch, etc.
The conception and production of data and statistics also requires them to be stored and protected.

Mission 2 

Carry out analyses, produce evaluations and provide advice.

Perspective produces the socio-economic and territorial knowledge necessary for the Region to drive its development strategies. In this context, it conducts cartographic and/or socio-economic studies and analyses at different levels of the territory. It produces statistical analyses and projections on various socio-economic themes, conducts territorial diagnoses and organises thematic observatories, monitoring and land cadastres. Perspective conducts public policy evaluations at the request of the Government or pursuant to an ordinance.

Mission 3 

Disseminate knowledge, inform, network, lead public debate and raise awareness on socio-economic and territorial issues.

By producing and disseminating publications in paper or electronic format, organising and participating in various events (seminars, information sessions, round tables, etc.), Perspective disseminates its knowledge within the Region but also at Belgian, European and international level. In addition, it brings together the stakeholders to identify the shared challenges, define common objectives and support them in achieving these objectives. Finally, Perspective provides information, organises participation and raises public awareness on the main development issues of the Region.

Mission 4 

Develop a multidisciplinary and prospective expertise of the territory.

As a regional centre of expertise, Perspective facilitates creative encounters between different types of expertise, creates links between the different actors and develops multidisciplinary analyses to prepare the Region for the future. On the basis of the available data, it detects trends, with the aim of developing a vision to support strategic decision-making in its areas of competence.

Mission 5 

Create a vision for territorial development, and support the implementation of this vision through strategic and regulatory planning tools.

Based on the knowledge produced within and outside the organisation, and by relying on its networks of actors, Perspective sets out a vision for territorial development at its different levels. It designs and follows up on strategic development plans and studies, as well as regulatory land use plans.

Among other things, this mission is reflected in the development of strategic and regulatory planning tools to define the urban parameters of the development of the Brussels territory and of priority centres in particular (planning, public spaces and landscapes, building characteristics, heritage, mobility and parking). It is also reflected in support for the implementation of the PRDD (Regional Sustainable Development Plan) as well as support for the municipalities in drawing up their local plans.

Mission 6 

Support and accompany projects that contribute to the development of the region.

Perspective facilitates the realisation of projects which improve the quantity and quality of school infrastructure, and coordinates measures to prevent school drop-out. It provides a dynamic aspect to the construction of public housing or private housing for social purposes.
Perspective also monitors the quality of buildings and public spaces in the Brussels territory. To achieve its objectives, Perspective produces tools and makes them available to its partners.

Mission 7 

Ensure the representation and integration of the Region at metropolitan, national, European and international levels.

Perspective elaborates the Brussels position in matters relating to the areas for which it is competent. It defends these positions before the bodies where it represents the Region at the metropolitan, Belgian, European and international levels. It draws on its participation in various international networks to enrich the Region's expertise, identify inspiring examples abroad, promote the Region's exemplary projects beyond its borders and facilitate European support for innovative Brussels projects.

Perspective is also involved in organising relations with the two other Belgian regions, in order to integrate the Region into the surrounding metropolitan area.