To shape our vision, we have laid down four strategic objectives.

1. Increase the impact of our expertise. Ensure that this expertise is useful for our stakeholders, benefits the whole of Brussels society and has a tangible effect on everyday reality.

This strategic objective is aligned with the centre of expertise function of producing data and knowledge. Perspective aims to increase the dissemination of its analyses, studies and strategies among authorities and beneficiaries. In this way, Perspective will make its impact on the whole of Brussels society more tangible. This strategic objective reflects its willingness to work with a permanent focus on efficiency and respond as effectively as possible to the beneficiaries of our analyses, our studies and our strategies.

2. Working towards a balanced, inclusive and sustainable territorial development.

This second strategic objective illustrates the principles on the basis of which Perspective conceives the vision of territorial development and accompanies its implementation. It highlights three fundamental societal challenges: the balance between different needs and functions, the inclusion of all to realise the right to the city and the sustainable development of the Region. Perspective will enhance public debate and citizen participation. More broadly, it will allow the overall planning process to gradually evolve, in particular in the direction of greater transversality and coherence across all territorial levels (from the metropolitan level to the local level).

3. Build partnerships and facilitate the implementation of the projects that emerge from them.

Perspective plays a central role in the territorial development. However, it cannot play its role fully without the help of its partners, and nor would it want to. With this third objective, it wishes to pursue and improve the construction of effective and balanced partnerships while fully ensuring its role as a facilitator for Brussels actors. It also wants to effectively carry out its mission of accompanying the projects born of these partnerships.

4. Set up an agile organisation with clear, flexible and efficient processes that provides a fulfilling working environment for every employee.

This fourth and final strategic objective focuses on the internal functioning of Perspective. In particular, this includes developing support services, improving processes and tools for efficiency and meeting the needs and aspirations of staff.