20 km Brussels
20 km Brussels
© visit.brussels - Pierre Fera

© visit.brussels - Eric Danhier

The Sport Unit centralises, analyses and develops knowledge on the subject of sport in the Brussels-Capital Region, with a view to contributing to the implementation of a sports policy for the benefit of the inhabitants.

Why is there a Sport Unit?

Set up within perspective.brussels, the Sport Unit draws on its expertise to develop a strategic vision and boost participation in sport throughout the Brussels-Capital Region. It also plays an advisory role among public authorities and operators, and communicates on existing opportunities to the general public.

The activities of the Sport Unit

The Sport Unit is the Brussels body for the coordination and promotion of sport:

  •  It updates, manages and disseminates the Sports Cadastre, a database containing all the sports infrastructures, organisations, associations/clubs and events in the Brussels-Capital Region. 
  • Based on the data collected, it analyses participation in sport and the existing supply and infrastructure in order to develop, in collaboration with the competent public institutions, a coherent and coordinated regional strategy for sports facilities.
  • It is also the point of contact for the Brussels sports sector. The objective is to facilitate the realisation of infrastructure projects, both permanent and temporary: detection and coordination of projects, networking of relevant public and private actors, and administrative support.
  • Finally, it promotes and raises awareness of sport by publishing various media supports.
Project manager
Project manager